Brimrod Community School

  1. Classes
  2. Home learning
  3. Year 4

Year 4 

Online learning should be accessed via the links to each week below and through your individual log in for:


For a range of additional resources go to:


Please click on the weeks below for work set by your class teacher. There is a weekly timetable to follow. The videos will provide you and your child with support in completing activities. 

Parent folder
 Art 1.pdfDownload
 Art 2.pdfDownload
 Great Barrier 1.pdfDownload
 Great Barrier Reef Mindful Colouring.pdfDownload
 Great Barrier Reef Powerpoint.pptDownload
 Year 4 Blue Abyss Topic.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Half term - have a lovely break!

 Mindfulness - Well-being resources
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