Brimrod Community School

  1. Our School
  2. The School Day

The School Day

All gates open at 8:35am and staff are there to welcome children into school from this time.

Children must be in school by 8:45am. Punctuality is very important so please make sure your child does not arrive after this time.

Start and finish times are listed below.


We provide 15 hours a week placements for Nursery aged children. We currently only offer morning placements.  


All children have a school week of 32.5 hours.


Please also ensure that children are dressed in full uniform each day:

School branding is optional and these items can be purchased from Moses and Top Form in Rochdale Town Centre.

All unbranded items of our uniform are widely available in local supermarkets - Asda and Tesco.

Second hand items can be donated to school and we will periodically hold second hand uniform events. If you do need any items of uniforms please speak to the school office at any time.

Please click here to access the full Uniform and Presentation Policy.