Brimrod Community School

  1. Our School
  2. Governors


Governors have a vital role. They help set the strategic direction of the school and ensure it delivers on its responsibilities. This requires a group of committed people from many walks of life with a mix of skills and experience. They all share an interest in education, a desire to help the school and an enquiring mind.

Almost anyone over 18 years of age can become a governor. There are no particular qualifications or requirements other than a commitment to give time to the role and a capacity for working with other people. The most important thing is that governors have skills to contribute and the willingness to learn and develop their abilities as governors.

This is a part-time, voluntary role which is very rewarding and interesting. Successful applicants will be given a full induction programme and on-going training and support is available.


Our Governing Body

Overall Governing Body Arrangements

Our Governing Body meet 6 times a year using the Circular model.  Our structure is reviewed annually and agreed by all Governors.

Structure and Remit

The Governors meet as a full Governing Body at all meetings.

All Governors are a member of the Personnel & Pay Committee, Complaints Committee, Personnel Appeal Committee & Pupil Discipline Committee.  

The Governors meet in September, November, January, March, May and July.

The clerk to the Governing Body is Nailah Naeem.

In this academic year, the Governors have decided to remain with the same Governing structure.

Committee Structure

As the Governing Body meet as a whole, there are no sub committees.  All decisions are made at the 6 meetings.

The Chair of Governors chairs all meetings.  In his absence, the Vice Chair acts as Chair.


Our current Governors are:

Mrs. Louise Thompson - Headteacher

Term of Office: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2027

Business Interest: Headteacher of Brimrod Primary School

Financial Interest: None recorded


Mrs. Jane Ashley - Chair - Local Authority Governor

Term of Office: 02/09/2019 - 01/09/2023

Business Interest: None recorded

Financial Interest: None recorded

Link Governor: Safeguarding and Attendance 

Also Governor at Greenbank Primary School and Heybrook Primary School


Mr. Karl Kitchin - Vice Chair - Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 15/03/2023 - 14/03/2027

Business Interest: None recorded 

Financial Interest: None recorded 

Link Governor: English


Mr. Andrew Walker - Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2027

Business Interest: None recorded

Financial Interest: None recorded

Link Governor: ECT


Mrs. Stacey Barlow - Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 18/03/2020 - 18/03/2024

Business Interest: None recorded

Financial Interest: None recorded

Link Governor: SEND and Early Years


Mr. James Taylor - Staff Governor

Term of Office: 19/01/2022 - 19/01/2026

Business Interest: None recorded

Financial Interest: None recorded 

Link Governor: Health and Safety


Mr. Dobir Mohammed Miah - Parent Governor

Term of Office: 23/11/2021 - 22/11/2025

Business Interest: None recorded

Financial Interest: None recorded 

Link Governor: Curriculum


Mrs. Muntaha Tariq - Parent Governor

Term of Office: 30/11/2021 - 29/11/2025

Business Interest: None recorded

Financial Interest: None recorded 

Link Governor: Mental Health and Well-being


Mr. Thomas Booth - Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 25/03/2024 - 24/03/2027

Business Interest: None recorded 

Financial Interest: None recorded 

Link Governor: Health and Outdoor Learning


Mrs. Samantha O'Neill - Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 25/03/2024 - 24/03/2027

Business Interest: None recorded 

Financial Interest: None recorded 

Link Governor: Parental Engagement


Mrs. Louise Dunn - Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 10/07/2024 - 09/07/2027

Business Interest: None recorded 

Financial Interest: None recorded 

Link Governor: 


Our current vacancies on the Governing Body are:



Governor attendance grid 2023 - 2024

Governor attendance grid 2022 - 2023



There is no one in the school earning over £100,000 and more financial information about the school can be found on the Schools Financial Benchmarking Service here.

Pecuniary and Business Interests

It is a statutory requirement for all Governors to record any pecuniary interests held either personally or through a company or relative or partner. An 'interest' in this case, is a situation where a member of the governing body may be affected personally or financially, directly or indirectly, or in some other way by a decision made at a meeting where the governor is present.


There are no pecuniary interests for our board.