Brimrod Community School

  1. Classes
  2. Home learning
  3. SEND


The following websites are great for communication and language and play based learning ideas:


Miss Clarke has also added ideas below to use at home for different areas of need.

Parent folder
 Cutting skills activity book (adult supervsion).pdfDownload
 Cutting skills sheets (adult supervsion).pdfDownload
 Fine motor skills activity cards.pdfDownload
 Gross motor skills activity cards.pdfDownload
 Occupational therapy tips and ideas.pdfDownload
 Pencil control activity cards.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6
Parent folder
 Being kind to yourself.pdfDownload
 Feelings game.pdfDownload
 I am an amazing person.pdfDownload
 Jungle mindfulness colouring sheets.pdfDownload
 Letting go of worries.pdfDownload
 Magic wand....pdfDownload
 Me on tv instructions.pdfDownload
 Mindfulness challenge cards.pdfDownload
 My fabulous dream....pdfDownload
 Worry book part 2.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 12